Sunday, February 12, 2012


So, who wants to know more craziness? Sure! Why not! The Holy Spirit has really been showing me just how real the spiritual realm is. Here are some stories to prove it!

When we (the DTS) were in Portugal, I went into the sanctuary of the church to just sit and be in God's presence. I didn't start saying anything, but upon sitting down, I closed my eyes and I had this ringing in my left ear. I was kind of confused by this, but it has been quite normal for me. So I just leave it, yet the same ringing starts in my right ear too! Its a lot louder than the left one and I am just kind of like, "What the heck man! This is weird." So I just leave it and then I feel this tingling sensation running across my head, starting from the left side and the right side. It reaches the middle of my head and then it gets really intense, the tingling, and I really don't know what to think. I am bewildered and confused as to what is happening to me. I then hear the pastor's phone ring, so I answer it and God starts speaking to me! No, I'm just kidding, that didn't happen, would be cool, but I just took it to the pastor. I go back to the sanctuary and sit down again and upon closing my eyes I see this angel fly above my head and I hear it screech! A noise like nothing I have heard before! I was then asking God what the heck was going on. He replies, "The left ear was hearing hell shout and scream. The right ear was hearing heaven shout praises and scream 'AU! AU! AU!' When the tingling started, this is when both sides started rushing towards each other and they collided in a headlong battle. This battle is not over Jack." Those last words were quite powerful. Allann was preaching that night about evangelism and I knew that the spiritual realm was having a huge fight! So I knew warriors were going to be produced from that preaching and so it was! The funny thing is, is that those last words God spoke are still ringing true. "This battle is not over."

I have had such an honour of being pumped up and ready for war by one of the greatest war generals of all time! I was listening to "Oh, Sleeper" one morning in Portugal. The album is called "Son Of The Morning" which is another name for Satan. The album starts out with Satan challenging God calling Him a weak forgiver and wasting power on grace and things like this. Well the songs after that one are about God showing Himself to people and recruiting them into His army. The last song in the album is called "The Finisher." This is a kingdom song! This is God's answer to Satan's challenge. Wow! Its crazy! God says things like, "Your whisper may sway the weak, but when I speak it roars the seas." "Your challenge has been met and with a breath I can snap your neck." "I will sing to the world your storm is capturing; and the angels will join me. We will sing to a world reborn from suffering." "But mark my words! Cause if that tree keeps them from seeing me, I'll burn of your limbs, you'll never shade again!" "You'll bow at my feet, or I'll rip out your knees! And make of your face all the carnage you crave!" "I am the Finisher and I am forever!" "From the armories the angels sing. You will see them end this suffering. From the armories the angles sing. You will fear them when they lift their wings." Now this is where this story goes crazy! Right here, about when he (the lead singer) says, "From the armories..." I am just getting all this, I really don't know, but like this feeling of being excited and happy mixed with fury against hell and the powers of darkness! It was like I was getting prepared for battle! Right when he says this next line, "They will sing to a world reborn! They will sing..." I am just getting this feeling more and more intense throughout my entire body! He continues, "As I... Cut off your horns! I'll cut off your horns!" Boom! I just explode and raise my fist in the air! I felt like I was just drawing my sword and shouting at the top of my longs, ready to go slaughter some demons! It was a crazy experience. Also, if you look up the album art, you'll see that it resembles a pentagram except the top two points are gone. That is because the pentagram is the face of a goat; the bottom being the beard, the left and right being the ears, and the top being the horns. Since God ripped the horns off, so are they gone from the pentagram. So awesome!

Hopefully this has been the kind of thing you were looking for today! If not, well this is the kind of stuff that happens all around us and yet we are still a part of it. Its crazy and pretty darn cool at the same time! I shall be posting another update soon (I don't know when, but soon!) and I will have some more stories for you guys! Keep on keeping on! Drink some hot chocolate and eat some marshmallows! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Roller Coaster of Insanity!

So I know that my last blog post was quite a long time ago, and that I was totally planning on having some more being up here, but that didn't really work out quite so well... So here is that one personal experience that you guys were all waiting for! Along with some others that were pretty crazy on my outreach!

Bram wanted to give us a time to try out some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He said he would go around to each of us and pray for the Holy Spirit to just fill us up more and more. While he was praying, we were to ask Him for the gift that we wanted to try out, one that we hadn't yet experienced or wanted to see happen. At first, I wanted to be able to speak tongues with an uncontrollable tongue because I think that would be really crazy cool! Maybe a little weird, but still quite cool. I then realized, that I have been able to do that before, so I started thinking about it and I came to the conclusion that I have never had the interpretation for the angel language. So I ask Him for that, and right when I do, Bram starts speaking in tongues and I instantly get an interpretation saying this, "Jack, you are my beloved son. I take great delight in you!" Hearing that directly from my Father was an unexplainable experience. I just start smiling and crying tears of joy! So then I went over to Allann who was going crazy with the angelic language and so I just stand beside him and I start getting the interpretation right away! He was prophesying over the entire outreach that we were going on and it was just a crazy experience! One other gift that I got to try out was that of knowledge. I went over and sat beside David and I just felt like I should pray for him. So I put my hand on him and I start a little prayer and I get this image from God about a part of David's past (I won't repeat it because I don't know if David wants me to reveal it or not). At first, I thought it was just one of my crazy little fantasies, but I thought, "What the heck! I might as well talk to him about it!" So I call over Natio for a translation and it turns out that it was a part of his past! Wow! That was pretty crazy to me! Yet it didn't quite stop there because God had only began opening the floodgates of heaven.

I have lots and lots of stories to tell, but I shall tell this one that goes along with the spirit realm. I have been asking God to train my spiritual senses because I just want to be able to experience that kind of stuff in a crazy way! So we were working with this one Assembly of God church and at one of their services, we went aside with the youth and Allann was sharing his testimony and just some other things and we would ask questions and that sort of jazz. Then Amélie piped up and said that she felt like she needed to share this part of her testimony. I can't remember exactly what it was about, but I do remember all of a sudden getting freezing cold, just a ridiculous amount of cold air was blown across my entire body and I shivering like crazy. I had the goosebumps and everything! Amélie is crying while sharing her testimony and I'm just thinking to myself, "Something crazy is going on in the spiritual realm right now!" Right after she had finished speaking, I had an overwhelming amount of comfortable heat run through my body. It was like receiving one of the best massages in the world! I then ask God, "What the heck just happened?" Well, He replies by saying, "We won, Jack! The demons were getting really pissed that Amélie was sharing about my love and so that is why you were so cold, but in the end, we won!" I knew this to be true right away because there was some new youth there that had never been in the church before we had arrived there and they were all so amazed by her testimony and I could tell that they had all been really touched by God's love at that moment. David also had a really crazy experience at that same time that I had mine. It was just such an awesome time!

I have many, many more stories to be sharing with you guys! They involve battle of the gruesomest of types, completely insane spiritual experiences and just some really awesome fun times! Strap yourselves in and get ready for a pretty crazy ride in the coming week!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The energizer bunny? No, but close enough!

So you know what is kind of ridiculous? Me. Because I am sure that there are other stories that I can share because I was planning on having this be the last one before I go on my outreach, but thats okay! I shall share this one and if I think of any others then I shall post them! So here we go.

It was our last week of teaching and our teacher for that week was Bram. He was a really awesome teacher that was really there to get us all pumped (super pumped!) for our outreach. He came with many stories about really crazy stuff that God was doing. I was very excited throughout the entire week to go on my outreach after this week! Especially after I finished reading Matthew chapters 1-9 highlighting all the healing and cool stuff Jesus did. The crazy thing about all of His healing's is that they're all different! It basically does the same thing, but they are all done in different ways. This just goes to show how different God really is and how unprecedented He is in the way that He moves His hand. So basically Bram was teaching on the Holy Spirit and His gifts that He has for us. They are all super cool! I shall list them here: Wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, performing of miracles, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, different kinds of languages and interpretation of languages. All of that is found in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Now at first when I was reading this I want, "Huh?" Because some of them just don't really make much sense, like the one about faith. What?! How can 'faith' be a gifting? Well Bram gave us this story about Paul (Saul of Tarsus) when he goes to evangelize on the island of Malta (Acts 28:1-6) and how he goes out to gather some fire wood and a snake comes out and bites him on the hand and all he does is shake it off. What?! He doesn't start jumping around screaming like a madman to get the snake off? Because, I mean, that would be my first reaction! Another story for the gifting of faith is from my mentor Natio. His pastor was telling a story about how him and his friends were walking home and they saw a truck fall over and fall on top of a guy. They were all panicking and wondering what to do, when a little old lady comes back from church and sees this and just drops all of her stuff and goes over and lifts up the truck without a second thought or even a doubt and says, "Quick! Grab him!" They were awe struck and couldn't move! When they finally did, they moved the man and then she let the truck down. Crazy! Thats what the gift of faith is, having no fear to do anything, that the Holy Spirit just fills you with so much faith in God, that you just do it. Awesome!

Another gift that confused me was the performing of miracles. Wouldn't a gift of healing be a miracle? Well, Bram described a miracle as anything that goes against the laws we have on this earth. For example, if I were to throw a bottle of water up in the air, it would fall back down because of gravity. But if it were to keep floating up in the air, then that would be a miracle, for it would be defying an established law we have on earth. He gave us a story of this one evangelist that went to Mexico and went up into the hills. He was warned to make it back before the rain started, otherwise the river would fill up and overtake the road. He ended up staying back later than he should've and the river had overfilled and overtaken the road. Well, he hadn't gone to Mexico to not be able to go back to his family, that wasn't part of God's plans. So he tells the rest of the people that they can either get out and stay there or stay in the Jeep and tag along for a crazy ride because he was going to drive through the river. What?! A river?! You'd get swept away! Yeah, that's what I thought too. So he starts to go into the river and goes along the bottom and then comes back up on the other side. Everything is alright. Crazy! Now, that is also an example of how the gifts can work together, because that was a miracle, going against the law that the Jeep would go with the flow of the river and be swept away, but it was also the gift of faith because its not everyday that someone says to their self, "Looks like I'm just going to drive through this river that will most definitely kill me! Or at least do a very good job of trying to kill me!" Again, awesome!!

Now, I was going to share my own personal experience, but I am going to save that for the next blog post because this one is already getting pretty long and I don't want to have your guys eyeballs catch on fire from all of these letters and words and grammar and vocabulary and punctuation and rabbits! So tomorrow there shall be another blog post about my own personal experience and some other stuff about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Drink ice tea and I shall see you next time! (Not lemonade though, kay?)

Thursday, December 29, 2011


So what else happened here... Well I have had a couple very cool moments with God (couple is quite an understatement!) but here is one where I was shown something inside of me that I didn't really want to see.

We were being taught by one of the leaders at the base, Bernardo, and he was teaching on forgiveness. It was a very good lesson, I still remember a lot from it even though it was only 2 days of teaching. Mainly that forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. That forgiving someone doesn't mean that injustice will happen. God is just, yet He has forgiven us, so why wouldn't I be just, just like Him? As well as the fact that because it is a choice, it can happen a lot! That with a really big thing that happened in life won't just disappear. Every time it comes back, forgive. Its a perpetual thing ( that will most likely have to happen a lot. But that is not the point or the story that I want to say. Hooray for not-so-useless-quite-helpful-information-actually-but-completely-not-the-story-that-I-wanted-to-tell-ness! Now for the story that I wanted to tell! Bernardo gave us some time after the last lesson to go someone and ask God and see if there was anyone that we had to forgive. It just so happened that there was someone in my life that I hadn't quite fully forgiven. That was Steve. Whoever Steve is. Nah, but seriously there was someone I forgave. And I was feeling a little weird and then this thought came into my head about a sin that was in my life. It was hidden very far down in my heart, very deep. It made me feel like crap. So I confessed it and laid it all down at His feet and I felt a little lighter afterwards (I now don't feel any shame towards this sin, which is good, but I don't want to share it). I started walking back (oh right! I forgot about setting! Crap... Well, I was in the park) to the base and on the way there I got Matthew 6:14 which says, "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." I then realized that that is exactly what happened! I was pretty awestricken. Now for another one! (One = story.)

This story is like two, but combined into one because they were both in one weekend. We were hosting a youth event at one of the churches out here (Natio, my mentor, was running it) and I was very excited for it! So we start out and there is some music and then a speaker and then the speaker, Itiel, asked if anyone wanted to come forward that they were free to and we would be praying for them. Being in a Discipleship Training School (DTS) our leaders said that we should go up there. At first, I felt like I (KEY WORD! "I") wouldn't be able to do anything because they were all Spanish speaking. So I go up there and I just lay my hands on someone and I instantly feel what they are feeling. This happened with everyone that I laid my hands on! Some people started to shake when I started praying and then others started crying. It was like a mad house, but I'm getting used to that happening when the Holy Spirit is present. I then got really excited because He was translating for me! It was really awesome! So I high-fived Jesus and then I was really excited because I mean, high-fiving Jesus? Saweeeet! And then on the last night (that happened on friday night and now it is saturday night) I wanted to have the same thing happened. My mentor, Natio, calls me up and says, "You have fire in your hands, use it!" God has blessed me with physical heat in my hands whenever I am praying for someone and I am being guided by the Holy Spirit. Except this time I started thinking that I can do it. So I started praying for some people and they were just laughing because, well, they are thinking I am crazy for praying for them in a language they don't understand. This continually happened. I then got frustrated and said to God, "Hey man! Whats up?!" And He tells me, "You've gotten prideful." It was true, I had gotten very prideful of the fire in my hands and being able to pray for people and have them understand me. So I confessed it and asked for the guidance of the Holy Spirit again and right after I finished that little prayer, Miguel (a student) turned around and pointed to a girl and said that I have to go pray for her. So I walk over to her and I start praying and it turns out that she speaks English. Whaaaat? Thats crazy! At that moment I broke into praise and was filled once again with the fire of the Holy Spirit and then it was another awesome night!

So that is all that there is for today. If it isn't enough, go stare at a hamster. Usually that is pretty satisfactory. If that doesn't cut it, then cut it. Don't actually, for I will have to then report you. Enjoy, dance, party-hardy, go for it, and always live! WOOHOO!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Guardian? I'll Take Two!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The first part is semi-true but I'm pretty sure we stayed in the same galaxy. By 'we' I mean my dad (Danny), Nicky (my sister), and I. This is the background story and then the grand finale!

My dad would always come back home from work in the summer time and, being out of school, my sister and I would wait for him with our bathing suits on, ready to go to the beach! This would happen 5 days out of the week, so we got pretty good at swimming but I lost it all over the years (I'm not sure exactly what year it was, but I was most likely around 9 or 10). Not completely, but thats besides the point! Gosh! Come on! Okay. After the beach, we went along a road which, instead of having a ditch, had a cliff. We were all having fun with our slurpees that my dad purchased and my sister did something that distracted my dad. He looked into the back seat and wasn't watching the road; there was a corner coming up and he didn't start turning. By the time he turns around, we're all screaming and we all shut our eyes, my dad slams on the brakes and we stop. Except we didn't stop where you think we would for the cliff was on the other side of the road. To get to the cliff that we were at, we had to cross the road. So we open our eyes and we are all of a sudden on the right side of the road and alive. We're all really happy but completely awestruck, so we all get out of the Jeep (I miss that red beast) and go check the tire tracks on the gravel by the cliff. To our amazement, we saw them when my dad was slamming on the brakes, but just before the cliff's edge, they stopped. A straight line. That's when we ended up back on the road. Craziness! Now for the explanation.

God granted me with a vision. A really awesome one! This happened around the first two weeks that I was here and I was reading my bible, spending some time with my Father. I close my eyes to pray and standing in front of me is this being that was probably about 10-11 feet (304-335 cm). He was completely clothed in white with strips of gold lining his body. He also had wings; magnificently, wonderful wings that spanned probably 20 feet (6.09 m)! My very first reaction: COOOOL! So I opened my eyes and he was gone. So I continue on with reading my bible and then this little voice inside of my head says, "That's your guardian angel." I almost crapped myself. So I quickly close my eyes and I see him again. This time I am able to see that he is wearing a helmet like this one:
Now, it looked like that one, but with two bands of gold feathers wrapping around the top of the helmet. They both started at the centre, one went left, the other right. And it was all very shiny and completely gold. Jesus started speaking to me saying, "This is your guardian angel. He has been around you your entire life." The angel then unsheathed his sword and threw it at me. I caught it with my right hand and it was giant! Double-edged and insanely sharp! Around 6-7 feet (182-213 cm); bigger than I am! Yet, it was light as a feather. I then opened my eyes and I was looking at my bible. Jesus told me, "This is the sharpest weapon there has ever been and ever will be. Use it wisely." I agreed! Its crazy though, because I always thought I had a guardian angel and I was blessed to be able to see him! AWW YEAAHH!

Well thats enough story for now. I shall be posting another one tomorrow. Take care and remember: Eat skittles.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

WAZZUB! And Update!


That might at first sound like a really weird way to say, "Wassup!" but its not. Its a new website that you can join for free! It sounds crazy, I know, but I haven't even explained exactly what it does. Shoot! So here I go:
What it is, is that it makes you money. Thats it. All you have to do is type in your email address and then you'll get an email confirming you signed up with a special link like this one!
You can use that link that I just put to go and sign up for it! Please! There it also explains more than I will because there is no point in repeating what they can say better than me. So! Its going to pre-launch on January 1st, so right now you will just be signing up. You use the special link that they send you (like the one I just posted) that'll keep track of how many people you get to sign up. Its a really good plan and its free! Sounds like a scam, but tons of people have already signed up for it that they've had to change over to new servers for higher capacities! Now onto something else.

The fact that I haven't been updating my blog. I am deeply sorry, I know you guys are all just at my feet begging for me to update (not really, but I picture it that way) so here we go! I will NOT be putting one big post because I don't want your guys' brains to be overloaded and have them melt out of your ears. For that would be messy. SO! What I shall be doing will be updating at least once every two days of some stories (that really crazy and cool!) and what is happening in Spain and what is happening in my life! Along with some other stuff. Like cotton candy. Except I don't really like cotton candy... So like turtles. Because they're awesome. Anypoodle! I will be updating, so keep your eyes peeled (please not literally)!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Learning, Learning, Learning!

So it would seem as though I need to write some more stuff on this here blog of mine. This is something that I shall do then. As I'm writing this, I am realizing that you guys will be reading this and wondering to yourself, "Is this guy bloody crazy?! We can't see into his mind, nor are reading what he's typing as he's typing it." This is a correct accusation, I am crazy for typing it like I am. But! If you guys just had super powers, then this would be a lot less awkward. Now onto what happened in the last week.

A lot happened.

The end.

That's basically the truth, but I'm going to try to sum it up as best as I can. First order of things, my asthma acted up and I had no inhaler. Hooray! Luckily it only last about an hour of me coughing non-stop. What brought on the asthma attack you say? Well all the leaders at the base thought it would be fun to take us through an obstacle course. At first, I was very excited for it. I've always liked obstacle courses, with all the challenges that have to be overcome to get to the end and all that jazz. Except they took us on one of the hottest days ever. It was probably like 35-40℃ outside that day which I thought I would be able to handle. Except here in Spain, it's hot for a lot longer than it is over in Canada. So it was super dry outside. Plus! The obstacle course was in a desert-like setting. So it was very dusty. With all of the dust built up from 3 other people going before I did, it really sucked. It felt like my chest was going to explode. When I was doing the obstacle course, they kept on making up the rules as it went along. So I would come up to an obstacle and I thought I knew what I was doing, but, oh, how wrong I was. I would have to start over and try it again and again. That sucked. Then there was a suspension bridge made of rope that we had to cross for the last obstacle. I thought, "I've done these before! Piece of cake!" Again, I was so wrong. They were shaking the bridge so much, that I had to lay on one side of the railing and drag myself along. This resulted in a lot of rope burns all across my back and my armpit. So, in the end, I was really sore and barely learned anything of the lesson they were trying to teach because I was too busy coughing my lungs up. Hooray!

Now I probably could've summarized that a lot better, but I really wanted to get across what an adventure it was for me. Now onto the next thing on list, what I learned this week. It's a lot, so I'm gonna do my best to just hit the main points that made an impact in my life.

In the first couple of days, my head was ready to explode from everything that I was taking in. I didn't have enough RAM to process exactly what I was receiving. Yet even though I was having such a hard time at coping with all the knowledge I was getting, out came a lesson. Patience! God was trying to teach me to be patient. That He is always going to be able to provide me with an answer to the questions or troubles that I will go through in life. So instead of me trying to rush towards the end of it all, that I should really look at the process and focus on how I am dealing with the challenges in life. This concept was given to me: "Take care of the possible. God will handle the impossible." This also goes along with: "God isn't going to do what you are able to do." With those two concepts in hand, I was then able to focus on the individual steps that I had to do to understand and decipher what I was receiving.

Hopefully that last paragraph made sense. The next most important thing that happened, was that God's hand isn't moved by our faith. It's by His love for us that things are put into place. We can't think that if we pray with such power, with such faith that what we are praying for, be it healing or provision, will happen. If God doesn't want it to happen, it's not going to happen. Menstruation (aka period). So we have to come to Him first, our Father, and ask Him for guidance. If someone comes to us saying that they have cancer, and we just automatically start praying for healing and all this stuff that sounds super powerful. If God doesn't want them to be healed, they aren't gonna receive healing. Which will then only bring upon depression in our walk with Him, along with guilt and all of this other crap. So instead, we must seek Him first. Ask Him, "We don't know how to pray, Father. Please give us guidance as to what to do in this time of need." That also put to rest a lot of stuff in my mind.

So that is that! Another week down and a lot of stuff has been soaked up. My knowledge is growing and so is my relationship with Jesus, but not only Him. With everyone here at the YWAM base and other relationships back home. This is a long blog post and I tried my best to summarize. Hopefully it makes sense, please comment with feedback. With that, I bid you farewell till next time!